
A stylized image of a tidy armageddon

A Tidy Armageddon Author Questionnaire 

Last year ECW editor Jen Knoch asked me a few questions about A Tidy Armageddon. I loved the central concept of this book, which basically turned our staggering material possessions into a maze and put a few humans as rats in it. Where did the idea for A Tidy Armageddon come from? I’ve always been a conservationist, […]

A Tidy Armageddon Author Questionnaire  Read More »

iTunesMetadata.plist EPUB validation error explained

Problem: you use the epub validation tool at Threepress Consulting, and consistently receive this error: WARNING: [your epub file name].epub: item (iTunesMetadata.plist) exists in the zip file, but is not declared in the OPF file Reason: you tested your epub by dropping it into iTunes. That’s all you have to do for this rogue file

iTunesMetadata.plist EPUB validation error explained Read More »

They are reading what they are told to read

“They are reading what they are told to read by this blurbing world. They are acting on the guidance they get. That guidance originates in a literary and literary-critical world that is amiable, bland, clubby, pious, careerist, relentlessly cheerful, desperate for numbers, suavely relativizing, and awash in worthless praise. A universe of invitations and congratulations,

They are reading what they are told to read Read More »