Crybaby conservatives: facts need a “counterweight”

Paging through Toronto Life’s May 2011 edition I came across an interview with this guy named Ezra Levant. It’s a name I felt like I’d seen somewhere before, but I’m not a media junkie due to time constraints, so I knew nothing about him. I was fascinated though, and not in a good way. He complains

Crybaby conservatives: facts need a “counterweight” Read More »

They are reading what they are told to read

“They are reading what they are told to read by this blurbing world. They are acting on the guidance they get. That guidance originates in a literary and literary-critical world that is amiable, bland, clubby, pious, careerist, relentlessly cheerful, desperate for numbers, suavely relativizing, and awash in worthless praise. A universe of invitations and congratulations,

They are reading what they are told to read Read More »

Risking lives is fine, just don’t cheat us out of revenue

I am perpetually enraged at Toronto’s “Green Hornets,” not for ticketing those who park illegally, but for failing to do anything about vehicles stopping in no stopping zones, specifically in bike lanes. Clearly the City of Toronto considers failure to contribute to city revenue a greater offense than endangering the lives of cyclists.

Risking lives is fine, just don’t cheat us out of revenue Read More »